
Showing posts from April, 2012

Meatballs, or is it Meatloaf Balls and Brown Gravy

Meatballs or Meatloaf Balls over Mashed Potatoes I have been dieting recently, trying to shed the excess Winter hibernation insulation, but I am the only one in the family doing so. My mother in law is very happy to eat salads along with me, and wifey takes one every day for lunch anyway, but there is a flock of wild carb loving carnivores in the house too! The following is a twist on the old favorite meatloaf and gravy, inspired by the fine weekend breakfast buffet at the Wolf Rock's Country Kitchen in Exeter, RI! For the Meatballs.... 1 1/4 lb Ground Beef -I used 86/14 Black Angus that was on sale for these. YUM! 1 large Egg 1/2 cup Bread Crumbs - Seasoned Progresso here works great. 1/4 cup Milk - 1% is the house variety 1/2 tsp dry Thyme - I do my best to chop fine 1/2 tsp salt Black Pepper to taste - I probably add about 1 tsp fresh ground Meatballs or Meatloaf Balls ready for Brown Gravy Pre-heat oven to 425. In a roomy mixing bowl, whisk egg, milk an...

Chick Pea or Garbanzo Bean and Tuna Salad

Chick Pea or Garbanzo Bean and Tuna Salad Shaking off the winter hibernation usually means shedding a few pounds too. While I love a simple garden salad  and dressing, especially with some grilled chicken, I really need a variety to keep myself interested and not fall off the diet bandwagon. The following is simple, fast, healthy, and most of all, delicious. You will need.... For the Salad... 1 15 oz cans of Chick Peas (low sodium if avail) 1-2 5oz cans Solid Tuna in Water 2-3 tbsp Red Bell Pepper finely diced 2-3 tbsp Purple Onion finely diced 2-3 tbsp Celery finely diced 2-3 tbsp Carrot finely diced 1/4 cup Cucumber - Seeded & Diced - I use English & keep the peel for color I like to use a big mixing bowl to keep down the spill over mess. Drain and rinse the chick peas in a strainer, pat dry with towel, add to bowl. Squeeze tuna dry and flake into bowl. If very chunky, it will flake more as you toss salad. This recipe is actually 1/2 scale of wh...